HITS NOW (HD) | English Entertainment Shows (Page: 1)
Find what are unique English Entertainment programs scheduled to show in HITS NOW (HD) channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel HITS NOW (HD).
Fri, 3:30 AM 14 Mar
Alert: Missing Persons Unit S2
Tthe MPU moves into new offices which comes with new boss, Inspector Hollis Braun. A call comes in reporting the disappearance of an entire city bus filled with students on a field trip.
Fri, 4:30 AM 14 Mar
Fri, 5:00 AM 14 Mar
The Goldbergs S1
S1 Ep1 Il cerchio della guida - Adam e' impegnato a filmare la vita quotidiana della sua famiglia,mentre Barry non vede l'ora di ricevere in regalo un'auto per il suo 16^ compleanno.
Fri, 5:30 AM 14 Mar
Fire Country S3
Fire Country season 3 isn't turning down the heat - Bode faces tougher challenges which will force him to walk the straight and narrow in this unfair world.
Fri, 6:30 AM 14 Mar
Entertainment Tonight (1981)
Entertainment Tonight is a daily tabloid entertainment television news show that is syndicated by CBS Television Distribution throughout the United States, in Canada and in many countries around the world. Linda Bell Blue is currently the program's executive producer. The program makes the claim that it is "the most watched entertainment news magazine in the world". It is the longest-running entertainment news program, with its first broadcast on September 14, 1981, and was the first syndicated
Fri, 7:00 AM 14 Mar
Chicago Fire S13
S13 Ep1 Il nuovo comandante - Un nuovo capo scuote la Caserma 51. Violet e Novak lavorano per scoprire la verita' dietro un incidente d'auto. Cruz tiene d'occhio il crescente legame tra Severide e Damon.
Fri, 8:00 AM 14 Mar
Chicago P.D. S12
S12 Ep1 Responsabilita' personale - Un mese dopo aver sfiorato la morte di Voight, l'Intelligence e' sommersa di casi mentre si occupa di una retata di droga ad alto rischio.
Fri, 9:00 AM 14 Mar
Fri, 12:30 PM 14 Mar
Shark Tank S16
The critically acclaimed and multi-Emmy Award-winning entrepreneurial-themed reality show returns to spearhead entrepreneurship and inspire a nation to dream bigger.
Fri, 5:30 PM 14 Mar
Hell's Kitchen S23
This season's theme is "Head Chefs Only!" Thanks to the culinary boom of the last 30 years, good chefs have more skills in their arsenal than ever before.
Fri, 8:00 PM 14 Mar
Top Chef S22
Top Chef is a hit reality competition series that celebrates the culinary arts with a fascinating window into the competitive, pressurized environment of world-class cookery at the highest level.
Fri, 9:00 PM 14 Mar
Survivor S48
18 new castaways will be abandoned on the islands of Fiji, where they must learn to adapt or they will be voted out. Tribes must win in the first challenge to earn a pot, machete and flint.
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