HITS NOW (HD) | English Entertainment Shows (Page: 2)
Find what are unique English Entertainment programs scheduled to show in HITS NOW (HD) channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel HITS NOW (HD).
Sat, 10:30 PM 8 Feb
GRAMMY Greats: The Most Memorable Moments (2024)
Grammy Greats: The Most Memorable Moments celebrates the iconic performances, unforgettable speeches, and legendary milestones that have defined the Grammy Awards throughout history.
Sun, 12:30 AM 9 Feb
Sun, 8:00 AM 9 Feb
Below Deck S10
Captain Sandy lets go of an integral member, leaving the team operating a man down on a charter full of beauty queens. One guest takes her requests to the limits, pushing Chef Rachel and the interior to their wit's end.
Sun, 1:00 PM 9 Feb
Shark Tank S16
The critically acclaimed and multi-Emmy Award-winning entrepreneurial-themed reality show returns to spearhead entrepreneurship and inspire a nation to dream bigger.
Tue, 4:00 AM 11 Feb
Celebrity Wheel Of Fortune S4
Hosted by Pat Sajak and Vanna White, "Celebrity Wheel of Fortune" welcomes celebrities to solve word puzzles for a chance to win up to $1 million. All of the money won goes to a charity of their choice.
Tue, 5:00 AM 11 Feb
Password US S2
The second season of Password will keep the classic format that we all know and love, while adding some new gameplay elements.
Thu, 4:30 AM 13 Feb
Mr Throwback S1
In a bind, Danny Grossman reunites with an old friend, Stephen Curry, leading to a bigger problem.
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