Jia Le Channel (HD) | Chinese Entertainment Shows (Page: 1)

Find what are unique Chinese Entertainment programs scheduled to show in Jia Le Channel (HD) channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel Jia Le Channel (HD).

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Wed, 12:10 AM 5 Mar

Teresa Teng

本剧以邓丽君真人故事改编,讲述了“华语世界永恒的声音”邓丽君的传奇追梦历程,并展现了她从一个平凡的小女孩成长为走上世界舞台的“超级女声”的奋斗之路 。Based on the life of legendary singer Teresa Teng, this biopic drama series follows her triumphant and successful career as one of Asia’s most popular and revered singer to the trials and tribulations in her personal life.

Wed, 1:00 AM 5 Mar

Our Honorary Photo Studio


Wed, 2:00 AM 5 Mar

Life Is Beautiful (2012)

Srinu, a college student, moves to his uncle's house in Hyderabad and meets various people in the neighbourhood, rich and poor alike.

Wed, 3:00 AM 5 Mar

Fight For Justice


Wed, 8:00 AM 5 Mar

Lady's Character

工作狂姚薇是某公司商务部的女总管,因太追求KPI而没意识到夫妻关系已疏离。她统率的娘子军部门也出现许多女性的特有问题:怀孕、哺乳期妈妈、隐孕入职。就在此时姚薇在事业上升期竟然发现自己怀孕了。不过在纠结后,姚薇还是选择生下孩子而这个决定却因此产生了一些变化。生活上,姚薇跟丈夫找回感情和信任。在工作上,她与对手携手共进,为面对不同问题的女性同事提供帮助。在她们生育处境中展露出的女士的品格让姚薇明白了人生的幸福千姿百态。而公司领导也逐渐明白,一家企业不能只追求利润也必须要让员工健康幸福的成长。 Wei is a female director in a company. Being a workaholic, she's so focused on KPI's that she doesn't realize her relationship with her husband has become estranged. Many women in her department also facing gender-specific challenges. Just when he...

Sat, 5:10 AM 8 Mar

Memorable Classic Songs

全新音乐节目《那些年。那些歌》由音乐大师陈国华主持,邀请乐坛重量级歌王歌后,串连老、中、青三代音乐人,畅聊温馨感人的音乐故事,改编金典歌曲,用最动听的歌声,带领观众重温60、70年代的美好时光。 Memorable Classic Songs is a new music programs hosted by Chen Guo Hua. He will be inviting the heavyweight singers from the music industry, connecting the old, middle-aged and young generations of musicians talking about all the heart warming and touching music stories that they came across, this program will lead the audience to relive all the good old times of the 60s and 70s.

Sat, 6:30 AM 8 Mar

Kampung Foodsteps S2: Heritage Edition


Sat, 9:00 AM 8 Mar

Super Bing Bing Show

【超级冰冰 Show】是台湾综艺大姐大白冰冰新开的大型台语综艺歌唱节目,联同主持的还有阳帆及台一线。两小时的节目,将邀请观众喜爱的老中青歌手,演唱经典或流行的台语歌曲,让观众听出耳油来。想听好歌,就千万别错过!

Sat, 12:00 PM 8 Mar

Stylish Man


Sat, 3:00 PM 8 Mar

Super Nightclub


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