Jia Le Channel (HD) | Chinese Entertainment Shows (Page: 2)

Find what are unique Chinese Entertainment programs scheduled to show in Jia Le Channel (HD) channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel Jia Le Channel (HD).

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Mon, 9:00 PM 24 Feb

Life Is Beautiful (2012)

Srinu, a college student, moves to his uncle's house in Hyderabad and meets various people in the neighbourhood, rich and poor alike.

Tue, 5:10 AM 25 Feb

Our Honorary Photo Studio


Tue, 6:00 AM 25 Feb

Teresa Teng

本剧以邓丽君真人故事改编,讲述了“华语世界永恒的声音”邓丽君的传奇追梦历程,并展现了她从一个平凡的小女孩成长为走上世界舞台的“超级女声”的奋斗之路 。Based on the life of legendary singer Teresa Teng, this biopic drama series follows her triumphant and successful career as one of Asia’s most popular and revered singer to the trials and tribulations in her personal life.

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