Star Movies Select HD (India) Full Schedule Today

Last updated: Mar 1, 2025 9:50 PM (Indian Standard Time)

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Star Movies Select HD (India) schedule 2 March 2025. Get list of English Movie programs scheduled to be shown on Star Movies Select HD channel in English language.

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6:26 AM

Big Hero 6 (2014)

Hiro, a robotics prodigy, joins hands with Baymax, a robot, to avenge his brother's death. Later, Hiro's friends join him, forming a team of high-tech heroes to help him in his mission.

8:12 AM

Iron Man 3 (2013)

Tony Stark encounters a formidable foe called the Mandarin. After failing to defeat his enemy, Tony embarks on a journey of self-discovery as he fights against the powerful Mandarin.

10:24 AM

Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

The Avengers and their allies set out to stop Thanos, an alien warlord, from acquiring the Infinity Stones as he plans to eliminate half of all life from the universe using them.

12:54 PM

Monster Trucks (2016)

A high school senior finds a friendly creature that can power his truck and together, they try to save its home from an evil oil company.

2:42 PM

Avatar (2009)

Jake, who is paraplegic, replaces his twin on the Na'vi inhabited Pandora for a corporate mission. After the natives accept him as one of their own, he must decide where his loyalties lie.

5:24 PM

X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)

A government-supported laboratory finds a cure for the mutants and the DNA of a powerful boy is used for it. However, the mutants must give up their powers and become human, hence splitting them.

7:11 PM

The Jungle Book (1967)

Mowgli is a boy brought up in the jungle by a pack of wolves. When Shere Khan, a tiger, threatens to kill him, a panther and a bear help him escape his clutches.

9:00 PM

Crawl (2019)

Florida residents Haley and her father get trapped in a massive hurricane and struggle to escape. But things get worse when they realise that the floodwater is the least of their fears.

10:30 PM

Inside Out (2015)

Eleven-year-old Riley moves to San Francisco, leaving behind her life in Minnesota. She and her five core emotions, Fear, Anger, Joy, Disgust and Sadness, struggle to cope with her new life.

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About Star Movies Select HD

Star Movies Select HD is an Indian cable and satellite television channel, which is owned by STAR India. The channel is the third English movie channel from STAR India. The channel was launched on 9 July 2015, with a tagline "Hollywood's Hall of Fame 365 Days, 365 Stories". The channel showcases movies in high-definition (HD) that are beyond the mass-appealing and action flicks.

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