Star Movies Select HD (India) Full Schedule Today

Last updated: Mar 28, 2025 4:25 PM (Indian Standard Time)

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Star Movies Select HD (India) schedule 28 March 2025. Get list of English Movie programs scheduled to be shown on Star Movies Select HD channel in English language.

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6:30 AM

Cosmoball (2020)

In the aftermath of a galactic war that shattered the moon and shifted Earth's poles, a massive spaceship named 'Cosmoball' hovers ominously above the planet.

8:30 AM

Big Hero 6 (2014)

A young robotics mastermind teams up with his brother's creation, a robot, to seek justice for his untimely death. Subsequently, they work together to face an unexpected threat.

10:15 AM

Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)

Captain Jack Sparrow seeks the heart of Davy Jones, a mythical pirate, in order to avoid being enslaved to him. However, others, including his friends Will and Elizabeth, want it for their own gain.

1:00 PM

Thor: The Dark World (2013)

Thor embarks on a dangerous quest to stop the Dark Elves from destroying the universe by confronting a powerful enemy and reuniting with his old flame, Jane Foster.

2:45 PM

World War Z (2013)

Gerry, a former United Nations employee, unexpectedly finds himself in a race against time as he investigates a threatening virus that turns humans into zombies.

5:00 PM

Monsters, Inc. (2001)

In Monstropolis, best friends Sulley and Mike are the top scarers working at the Monsters, Inc. However, their lives are gravely disrupted when a human girl enters their world.

6:30 PM

The Avengers (2012)

Nick Fury is compelled to launch the Avengers Initiative when Loki poses a threat to planet Earth.

9:00 PM

Avatar (2009)

Jake, a paraplegic former US Marine, replaces his twin on the Na'vi inhabited Pandora for a mission. However, things become complicated once he is accepted by the natives as one of their own.

11:45 PM

Nezha (2019)

A young motorbike rider must master his newfound powers to confront the emergence of centuries-old enemy forces and settle a 3000-year-old battle.

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About Star Movies Select HD

Star Movies Select HD is an Indian cable and satellite television channel, which is owned by STAR India. The channel is the third English movie channel from STAR India. The channel was launched on 9 July 2015, with a tagline "Hollywood's Hall of Fame 365 Days, 365 Stories". The channel showcases movies in high-definition (HD) that are beyond the mass-appealing and action flicks.

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