Star Movies Select HD (India) Full Schedule Today
Last updated: Mar 5, 2025 2:00 AM (Indian Standard Time)

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12:45 AM
Ride on (2023)
A washed-up stuntman and his horse get into a fight with debt collectors before escaping in grand fashion. As footage of the incident goes viral, the humiliated collectors seek revenge.
3:09 AM
She Wang (2020)
When a deadly serpent attacks several villagers, a group of hunters must find a solution to save the lives of people from the dangerous venom bites.
5:02 AM
King of Serpent (2021)
On an expedition to learn about the species of an island full of snakes, a team encounters trouble in the form of evil hunters. They must strive to keep the isle safe.
6:39 AM
Zootopia (2016)
Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde team up to uncover the mystery behind fourteen missing predators. They end up finding out that the conspiracy is larger than it seems.
8:31 AM
George of the Jungle (1997)
After a plane crash, George is stranded in a jungle and is raised there with gorillas. Years later, he meets his first human by rescuing her from a lion and his life changes when they fall in love.
10:10 AM
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
When an advanced Terminator is sent into the past, a cyborg and a seasoned female warrior team up to stop the death of a young woman who is fated to ensure the survival of the human race.
12:21 PM
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014)
Caesar, a chimpanzee and leader of the evolved apes, allows a human family into his territory. However, due to a vindictive bonobo, misunderstandings arise between the two species, resulting in war.
2:37 PM
X-Men (2016)
Magneto kidnaps Marie, a young mutant, with the intention of using her powers to destroy humanity. However, the X-Men and Wolverine team up to save her and stop Magneto.
4:26 PM
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
Will, a blacksmith, joins forces with Captain Jack Sparrow, a pirate, to rescue the love of his life from Jack's associates, who have kidnapped her suspecting she has his medallion.
6:52 PM
Terminator Genisys (2015)
John sends Kyle to the year 1984 to protect his mother, Sarah, from being killed. When the timeline is altered, Kyle asks her to travel to the year 2017 to stop an AI system that wants to end mankind.
9:00 PM
Inception (2010)
Cobb steals information from his targets by entering their dreams. Saito offers to wipe clean Cobb's criminal history as payment for performing an inception on his sick competitor's son.
11:34 PM
Deadpool (2016)
Ajax, a twisted scientist, experiments on Wade Wilson, a mercenary, to cure him of cancer and give him healing powers. However, the experiment leaves Wade disfigured and he decides to exact revenge.
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About Star Movies Select HD
Star Movies Select HD is an Indian cable and satellite television channel, which is owned by STAR India. The channel is the third English movie channel from STAR India. The channel was launched on 9 July 2015, with a tagline "Hollywood's Hall of Fame 365 Days, 365 Stories". The channel showcases movies in high-definition (HD) that are beyond the mass-appealing and action flicks.
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