tvN HD | Korean Entertainment Shows (Page: 1)

Find what are unique Korean Entertainment programs scheduled to show in tvN HD channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel tvN HD.

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Wed, 7:50 AM 5 Mar

Crime Scene Returns


Wed, 8:45 AM 5 Mar

You Can Cook With Sam Kim

???????????,??????,??Sam Kim???????!???Sam Kim???????????,???????!

Wed, 9:00 AM 5 Mar

Sixth Sense: City Tour


Wed, 11:00 AM 5 Mar

My Dearest Nemesis

改編自同名人氣網路漫畫,講述曾透過網路遊戲認識初戀「黑炎龍」的秀貞,在16 年後發現自己的新任部門主管正正是她的初戀男友。

Wed, 3:20 PM 5 Mar

Good Day

由G-Dragon親自提出的企劃,備受矚目的綜藝節目<GOOD DAY>將呈現製作人G-Dragon與不同界別的嘉賓好友一起創作年度之歌的過程。

Wed, 5:10 PM 5 Mar

Extreme Tour


Thu, 8:30 AM 6 Mar

The Legend of the Blue Sea (1986)

In the future, the oceans have risen to flood all the continents due to humanity's negligence of the environment. Only a few bits of land have been spared, and one of those is the city-island where Elfie lives with her grandfather. One day, due to an underwater incident, she discovers that she can breathe underwater. Her grandfather reveals that in truth she is one of the mythical sea-people. Using the city folk's xenophobia, local politicians spark a war with this hidden people to distract peop

Thu, 12:15 PM 6 Mar

Handsome Guys


Thu, 11:55 PM 6 Mar

Brotherhood Expedition: Maya

車勝元、金成均和THE BOYZ柱延一起踏上墨西哥探險之旅,深入瑪雅遺址,揭開瑪雅文明的神秘面紗。

Fri, 8:20 AM 7 Mar

All That We Loved


Fri, 3:45 PM 7 Mar

Fresh off the Sea


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