改编自同名小说,本剧讲述了初出茅庐的少年侠客雷无桀,慕名前往江湖第一大城雪月城的途中误入雪落山庄,阴差阳错地卷入一场声势浩大的江湖之争,更牵扯出一段深藏多年的皇室秘辛。几个拥有离奇身世的少年侠客,一路相伴一路纠葛,在江湖道义、兄弟情谊、爱恨缠绵中,逐渐从懵懂无知进化成为了少年英雄,唱响了属于自己的侠义之歌。 Adapted from a novel, this period drama series tells the story of an inexperienced young pugilist who strays on his way to Xue Yue Town. Soon, he finds himself somehow getting involved in a massive fight in the pugilistic world, which ultimately led to the unveiling of an ancient royal secret that was kept hidden for years.
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