Quel Natale che ci ha fatto incontrare's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Quel Natale che ci ha fatto incontrare. Find actors and director of the program Quel Natale che ci ha fatto incontrare

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Quel Natale che ci ha fatto incontrare. Select any member to see details info.

Merritt Patterson's poster
Merritt Patterson (Sophie)
Jon Cor's poster
Jon Cor (David)
Kwesi Ameyaw's poster
Kwesi Ameyaw (Ross Reeler)
Anita Brown's poster
Anita Brown (Jodi Hall)
Terence Kelly's poster
Terence Kelly (Simon Baylock)
Toby Levins's poster
Toby Levins (Brent Willoughby)
Nicole Oliver's poster
Nicole Oliver (Marissa Myers)
Luke Roessler's poster
Luke Roessler (Troy Murphy)
Paula Shaw's poster
Paula Shaw (Louise Griffith)
Leandro Guedes's poster
Leandro Guedes (Auditioner #2)
Chelsea Gill's poster
Chelsea Gill (Prospective Nanny)
Madeleine Kelders's poster
Madeleine Kelders (Smiling Parent)
Briana Skye's poster
Briana Skye (Chloé)
Claude Knowlton's poster
Claude Knowlton (Client)
Richard Lett's poster
Richard Lett (Santa)
Gidget's poster
Gidget (Riggs)