A Christmas Wish's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program A Christmas Wish. Find actors and director of the program A Christmas Wish

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program A Christmas Wish. Select any member to see details info.

Kristy Swanson's poster
Kristy Swanson (Martha Evans)
Edward Herrmann's poster
Edward Herrmann (Les McCallum)
K.C. Clyde's poster
K.C. Clyde (Joe Hopkins)
Aline Andrade's poster
Aline Andrade (Clarice Miller)
Danielle C. Ryan's poster
Danielle C. Ryan (Jeanie Bullington)
Tess Harper's poster
Tess Harper (Trudy Willis)
Kirstin Dorn's poster
Kirstin Dorn (Mel Evans)
Kevin Herring III's poster
Kevin Herring III (Miles Evans)
Mike Hagerty's poster
Mike Hagerty (Owen Bullington)
Claudia Mejia's poster
Claudia Mejia (Carmelita Carnes)
Bart Johnson's poster
Bart Johnson (Cal Evans)
Page Petrucka's poster
Page Petrucka (Lola Metcalf)
Kevin Westenskow's poster
Kevin Westenskow (Don Meyer)
Taggart Hurtubise's poster
Taggart Hurtubise (Danny Park)
Lloyd Eisler's poster
Lloyd Eisler ('Bad' Bob Tolliver)