Tremors 4: The Legend Begins's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Tremors 4: The Legend Begins. Find actors and director of the program Tremors 4: The Legend Begins

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Tremors 4: The Legend Begins. Select any member to see details info.

Michael Gross's poster
Michael Gross (Hiram Gummer)
Sara Botsford's poster
Sara Botsford (Christine Lord)
Billy Drago's poster
Billy Drago (Black Hand Kelly)
Brent Roam's poster
Brent Roam (Juan Pedilla)
August Schellenberg's poster
August Schellenberg (Tecopa)
J.E. Freeman's poster
J.E. Freeman (Old Fred)
Ming Lo's poster
Ming Lo (Pyong Lien Chang)
Neil Kopit's poster
Neil Kopit (Victor)
Sean Moran's poster
Sean Moran (Western Union Clerk)
Matthew Seth Wilson's poster
Matthew Seth Wilson (Brick Walters)
Lydia Look's poster
Lydia Look (Lu Wan Chang)
Sam Ly's poster
Sam Ly (Fu Yien Chang)
John Dixon's poster
John Dixon (Big Horse Johnson)