Aaj Ki Taza Khabar's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Aaj Ki Taza Khabar. Find actors and director of the program Aaj Ki Taza Khabar

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Aaj Ki Taza Khabar. Select any member to see details info.

Kiran Kumar's poster
Kiran Kumar (Sunil Mehta)
Radha Saluja's poster
Radha Saluja (Geeta Mehta)
Asrani's poster
Asrani (Amit Desai/Champak Bhumia)
Paintal's poster
Paintal (Champak Bhumia)
Padma Khanna's poster
Padma Khanna (Motiya)
Manju Asrani's poster
Manju Asrani (Kesari Desai)
Narendra Nath's poster
Narendra Nath (Capt. Ranjit Goel)
Arpana Chowdhury's poster
Arpana Chowdhury (Pinky)
Helen's poster