Zee Sarthak | Odia Serial Shows (Page: 1)

Find what are unique Odia Serial programs scheduled to show in Zee Sarthak channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel Zee Sarthak.

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Fri, 5:30 PM 21 Feb

Didi No-1 Nua Odishara Nua Utsava

Participants come together to celebrate the spirit of womanhood in a unique multi-round competition to win various prizes. S01 E13.

Fri, 6:00 PM 21 Feb

Fri, 6:30 PM 21 Feb

Fri, 7:00 PM 21 Feb

Sathi Sata Janmara

Archana's devotion to her marriage is tested when Savita's manipulations threaten to tear her and Dev apart, forcing her to fight for love against family pressures.

Fri, 7:30 PM 21 Feb

Suna Jhia

Suna Jhia Repeat - Mon - Tue 11:00 pm, E01.

Fri, 8:00 PM 21 Feb

Tuma Bina

The host invites married couples who engages in several fun-filled activities and discusses their relationship in a detailed manner.

Fri, 8:30 PM 21 Feb

Tu Khara Mun Chhai

Manini aspires to become an actor, but is married off to Abhimanyu, a wealthy man. While they strive to cope with their different personalities, the couple also attempt to manage muliple relations. S01 E29.

Fri, 9:30 PM 21 Feb

Jagruti (1992)

Vishal is brutally killed in the presence of his younger brother, Jugnu. Jugnu is grown up now and he must avenge his brother's death, but he is alone, and has an uphill task.

Fri, 10:00 PM 21 Feb

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