Sun Bangla | Bengali Entertainment Shows (Page: 1)
Find what are unique Bengali Entertainment programs scheduled to show in Sun Bangla channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel Sun Bangla.
Fri, 5:00 PM 21 Feb
Parashuram (1989)
Parashuram is a private detective who leads a content life with his family. However, everything changes when he encounters MD, a crime lord who gets impressed with him and wants to hire him.
Fri, 5:30 PM 21 Feb
Fri, 6:00 PM 21 Feb
Fri, 7:02 PM 21 Feb
Basu Paribar
Legendary figures of Indian cinema Aparna Sen and Soumitra Chatterjee head up the ensemble cast of this bittersweet tale of family ties and disillusionment. An elderly couple is celebrating their 50th anniversary, and family members gather at their once magnificent, now largely decrepit mansion, where they married a half-century before. As relatives young and old arrive and reminisce about their lives, stories are exchanged about the great family's past. But it does not take long to see that rea
Fri, 7:30 PM 21 Feb
Sholok Saree
Two sisters find their unique sari designs stolen by Anchol, who sells them as her own. Things take an interesting turn when Anchol's brother falls in love with one of the sisters.
Fri, 8:01 PM 21 Feb
Fri, 8:32 PM 21 Feb
Fri, 9:03 PM 21 Feb
Fri, 9:34 PM 21 Feb
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