Sidharth UTSAV | Odia Program Shows (Page: 1)

Find what are unique Odia Program programs scheduled to show in Sidharth UTSAV channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel Sidharth UTSAV.

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Sun, 9:30 AM 23 Feb

Chande Chande Bhakti

Devotees sing soul-stirring songs and melodious hymns in praise of the Almighty to invoke the spirit of devotion and seek divine blessings.

Sun, 10:00 AM 23 Feb

Bhakti Kantha

Several contestants across different age groups showcase their singing talents in front of renowned musical personalities.

Sun, 4:30 PM 23 Feb

Sun, 6:00 PM 23 Feb

Sun, 6:30 PM 23 Feb

Purana Ganthi

A religious leader sheds light on the divine teachings of Hinduism and urges the devotees to follow the path of compassion.

Sun, 7:00 PM 23 Feb

Bharata Leela

Talented artists sing and dance as they perform 'Bharata Lila', an Indian performing theatre form of the Ganjam district of Odisha.

Sun, 8:00 PM 23 Feb

Sun, 9:00 PM 23 Feb

Odisi Kirtana

A religious singer sings and performs classical songs and music, that are devotional in nature, from the state of Odisha.

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