Sidharth UTSAV (India): TV Schedule for Today

Last updated: Apr 1, 2025 4:28 AM (Indian Standard Time)

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Here's the complete TV schedule for Sidharth UTSAV (India) 1 April 2025. Catch your favorite Odia Program shows in Odia language. Stay updated with all the timings below.

All times are in Indian Standard Time (GMT+5.5).
Start Time Program Name
5:30 AM Bhagabata Tungi
6:00 AM Bhajan Dhara
6:30 AM Bhajan Ganga
7:00 AM Hari Bansa
7:30 AM Bhagya Darshan
8:00 AM Satya Siva Sundara
8:30 AM Gopi Gita
9:00 AM Chande Chande Bhakti
9:30 AM Chande Chande Bhakti
10:00 AM Sidharth Nua Bhajan
10:30 AM Sidharth Nua Bhajan
11:00 AM Ladhei Pala
11:30 AM Ladhei Pala
12:00 PM Tele Shopping
12:30 PM Chande Chande Bhakti
1:00 PM Debadasi
2:00 PM Tele Shopping
2:30 PM Bhajan Dhara
3:00 PM Chande Chande Bhakti
3:30 PM Tele Shopping
4:00 PM Bhajan Dhara
4:30 PM Tele Shopping
5:00 PM Bhajan Ganga
5:30 PM Bhajan Ganga
6:00 PM Bhagabata Tungi
6:30 PM Hari Bansa
7:00 PM Gopi Gita
7:30 PM Satya Siva Sundara
8:00 PM Debadasi
9:00 PM Ladhei Pala
9:30 PM Ladhei Pala
10:00 PM Ghoda Nacha
11:00 PM Bhagya Darshan
11:30 PM Chande Chande Bhakti

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Welcome to Sidharth Bhakti Channel, where the culture and devotion of Odisha entwine and bloom in unison. Grounded in our roots, our channel has a plethora of new and unique bhakti content, along with a vast library of devotional and cultural based content like Purana Kathas, Prabachanas, Odia Mythological Tales, Festival Explanations, Folk content like Pala and Daskathias, and more, rendered by Popular Prabachaks and Eminent Cultural Personalities in Odisha.

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