Sidharth TV | Odia Serial Shows (Page: 1)

Find what are unique Odia Serial programs scheduled to show in Sidharth TV channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel Sidharth TV.

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Fri, 5:00 PM 21 Feb

Fri, 6:00 PM 21 Feb

Sri Krishna (2006)

Venkateshwarulu is madly in love with Indu. His grandmother insists that he have two wives. Later, when Raju and Indu agree to his grandmother's wishes, Raju turns up and claims to be Indu's husband.

Fri, 7:00 PM 21 Feb

Fri, 7:30 PM 21 Feb

Fri, 8:00 PM 21 Feb

Fri, 8:30 PM 21 Feb

Fri, 9:00 PM 21 Feb

Aparajita (2022)

After discovering several occult signs in a village, a man stumbles upon an evil cult. However, things take a turn when a mysterious deity takes control of their mind.

Fri, 9:30 PM 21 Feb

Tike Dance Tike Acting

Aspiring dancers and actors showcase their talents and skills through a series of challenges to impress the judges and win the coveted title.

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