History TV18 HD | Lifestyle Shows (Page: 1)
Find what are unique Lifestyle programs scheduled to show in History TV18 HD channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel History TV18 HD.
Tue, 5:40 AM 25 Mar
India: Marvels & Mysteries
The host visits several unexplored places in India and sheds light on the mysteries and fascinating stories surrounding particular regions.
Tue, 6:00 AM 25 Mar
Journeys In India
From Kerala in the South to the Himalayas in the North, the filmmaker follows Bill Ball as he explores the architecture, culture and history of the Indian subcontinent.
Tue, 6:22 AM 25 Mar
How Disney Built America
With a cornucopia of beloved characters and wondrous theme parks, Walt Disney's legacy and innovative genius indelibly transforms the animation industry in America and worldwide.
Tue, 7:04 AM 25 Mar
India: Marvels & Mysteries With William Dalrymple
William Dalrymple delves into mysterious places, unknown stories and historical legends of ancient India that reveal some of the most interesting facts.
Tue, 7:25 AM 25 Mar
Pawn Stars: Best Of
A compilation of some of the best episodes of 'Pawn Stars', a reality television series about trading and negotiating prices for items and other valuable artefacts. United States.
Tue, 7:46 AM 25 Mar
History's Greatest Escapes With Morgan Freeman
The host, Morgan Freeman, a renowned actor, walks through some of the most ingenious and daring breakouts in history from the world's inescapable prisons.
Tue, 8:28 AM 25 Mar
Kings Of Restoration
Take a look at the activities that unearth inside various restoration shops in the United States of America as experts try to restore vintage items to their original state.
Tue, 8:49 AM 25 Mar
Shipping Wars
Independent shippers compete with each other to transport unconventional items that other carriers find unfeasible to ship.
Tue, 9:32 AM 25 Mar
Counting Cars (2012)
When Rick Harrison and the rest of the Pawn Stars gang need to restore a vehicle they're buying, they turn to Danny "The Count" Koker, who runs Las Vegas auto shop Count's Kustoms. The Count now gets his own half-hour show that showcases his ability to restore and customize classic rides. When he sees a vehicle he wants, whether it's at an auto auction or at a roadside diner, Koker does all he can to acquire it. When successful, he and his team then work to restore and modify the cars and motorc
Tue, 9:54 AM 25 Mar
Pawn Stars (2009)
Go inside the colorful world of the pawn business. At the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop on the outskirts of Las Vegas, generations of the Harrison family run the family business, and there’s clashing and camaraderie every step of the way.
Tue, 10:16 AM 25 Mar
Storage Wars
Four professional buyers and their teams as they scour repossessed storage units in search of hidden treasure. these seasoned veterans have found everything from coffins to the world's most...
Tue, 10:38 AM 25 Mar
OMG! Yeh Mera India
The show will invite participation from viewers to share their 'OMG' stories from their neighbourhood, with the shortlisted stories being featured in the final episode.
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