Colors Rishtey | Hindi Serial Shows (Page: 1)
Find what are unique Hindi Serial programs scheduled to show in Colors Rishtey channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel Colors Rishtey.
Fri, 7:30 PM 21 Feb
Madhubala - Ek Ishq Ek Junoon
A young girl, who was born on a film set, has grown up surrounded by the movie world. But she is a simple girl who works as a beautician. Life takes a turn when she meets RK, a leading superstar.
Fri, 10:00 PM 21 Feb
Balika Vadhu (2008)
Married into an affluent family at a tender age, a child bride, Anandi, struggles to cope with the traditions. She overcomes multiple personal struggles to emerge as an example for rural women.
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