Asianet | Malayalam Entertainment Shows (Page: 1)

Find what are unique Malayalam Entertainment programs scheduled to show in Asianet channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel Asianet.

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Fri, 7:00 AM 21 Feb

Malikappuram (2022)

8 year old Deva Nanda from Panchalimedu village is unhappy that her pilgrimage to Sabarimala is delayed and decides to go with her friend.

Fri, 10:30 AM 21 Feb


With the obligation of marrying off her three daughters, a brave mother does her best to find a responsible partner for them.

Fri, 11:00 AM 21 Feb


A woman is forced into an arranged marriage while still in love with a different man. Differences abound lead to the request for a divorce, but the reluctant couple begins to discover something new in the year before their request is fulfilled.

Fri, 11:30 AM 21 Feb

Pavithram (1994)

A young man's relationship with his career, fiancee and brother is brought under stress by the birth of an unexpected sister.The film deals with the relationship between siblings Unnikrishnan (Mohanlal) and Meenakshi (Vinduja Menon) who have an almost 30 year age difference between them. The film won Mohanlal the 1994 Filmfare Award for Best Actor.

Fri, 12:00 PM 21 Feb

Fri, 12:30 PM 21 Feb

Santhwanam-2 (2020)

Sridevi and Balakrishnan sacrifice a lot to raise his brothers Hari,Shiva and Kannan.However, the family is soon forced to deal with various conflicts in life after the marriage of brothers.

Fri, 1:00 PM 21 Feb


As a young woman faces challenges to navigate through life to provide a secure life for her loved ones, she meets a man as her life takes a new course filled with love.

Fri, 1:30 PM 21 Feb

Fri, 2:30 PM 21 Feb

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