Adithya TV | Tamil Entertainment Shows (Page: 1)

Find what are unique Tamil Entertainment programs scheduled to show in Adithya TV channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel Adithya TV.

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Mon, 6:00 AM 24 Mar

Konjam Coffee Neraiya Comedy

The host provides various updates regarding the Tamil film industry and discusses the latest celebrity gossip, news and film reviews.

Mon, 7:30 AM 24 Mar

Mon, 8:00 AM 24 Mar

Mon, 8:30 AM 24 Mar

Mon, 9:00 AM 24 Mar

Mon, 11:00 AM 24 Mar

Mon, 12:00 PM 24 Mar

Orupada Comedy

A comprehensive compilation of hilarious scenes from various Tamil movies, where renowned actors play comical characters.

Mon, 1:00 PM 24 Mar

Goundamani-Senthil Special

A compilation of comedy scenes from famous movies featuring the legendary comedian duo Senthil and Goundamani is played back-to-back.

Mon, 2:00 PM 24 Mar

Vivek Special

A special comprehensive collection of various comedy scenes from Tamil movies that feature the renowned comedian, Vivek.

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