e-Le (HD) | Chinese Entertainment Shows (Page: 1)

Find what are unique Chinese Entertainment programs scheduled to show in e-Le (HD) channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel e-Le (HD).

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Fri, 8:00 PM 21 Feb

Joy Of Life Season 2


Fri, 8:50 PM 21 Feb

Three Bold Siblings

A family drama about a daughter, who had to give way and be responsible for her family as the eldest child, and a son, who had to support his family as a top star in the K-entertainment industry -- together, the two seek their happiness.

Fri, 10:00 PM 21 Feb

Have Fun Season 3

《嗨放派》是一档奇趣实验类真人秀综艺节目,第三季主打真实的生存实验,六位艺人嘉宾将开启十天荒岛生存挑战,比如需要自食其力体验搭建帐篷、自制淋浴间、起火烧饭、自制做饭器具等挑战,最后还要举行一场别开生面的海岛运动会,用最好玩的方式将科学实践到生活里头。 “Have Fun” returns for a third season! The very well-received China variety again sees six popular male artistes teaming up to escape the constraints and pressures of city life and having fun through exploring interesting scientific topics and real-life Science experiments, this time on a remote island looking for survival!

Sat, 2:30 AM 22 Feb

Come Home Love: Lo and Behold (2017)


Sat, 3:00 AM 22 Feb

Lighter and Princess


Sat, 9:00 AM 22 Feb

Stylish Man


Sat, 10:00 AM 22 Feb

The Soul of a Meal S2

《下饭江湖第二季》辗转奔波于宁波、临海、成都、重庆、揭阳、昆明、普洱、贵阳8个城市之间,带领“吃货们”走遍8座城市,搜寻有故事、有态度、有手艺的“江湖人”。大隐于市的江湖大厨、搅动小城的家常神手、深居巷内的独门掌柜……他们以无敌随性的烹饪手法,练就绝世的美食武功,安抚着觅食吃货的心,这是属于美食江湖的独特魅力。In “The Soul of a Meal S2”, eight China cities Ningbo, Linhai, Chengdu, Chongqing, Jieyang, Kunming, Pu'er and Guiyang are featured. The food info-ed discovers more than 30 local unknown popular gourmet stalls and looks at how their chefs, whip up raw ingredients into golden dishes.

Sat, 8:30 PM 22 Feb

Prosecution Elite


Sun, 1:00 AM 23 Feb

You Are My Sister

二十六岁的尤未来外表平凡、学历普通,在别人眼里评价只有3.5颗星。大她十岁的姊姊宝茜却不同,她外貌、学历全是耀眼的5颗星,因此姊妹俩注定有心结且相爱相杀。尤未来告诉自己,哪怕她只能永远追著姊姊的背影前进,只要把握机会继续努力,她也能变成4.2颗星! 26-year-old Lai is neither bright nor attractive and would only get a rating of 3.5 stars in the eyes of most people. Her elder sister Qian on the other hand would get a 5-star rating by all standards. They are destined to have a love-hate relationship from young. Undeterred, Lai decides she would strive to achieve a rating of 4.2 stars ultimately, as long as she conti...

Sun, 4:00 AM 23 Feb

Heart Signal 7

《心动的信号》延续以往的都市男女恋爱社交推理真人秀节目的模式,节目以“信号小屋”中素人单身男女日常相处的生活细节和情感走向为主体,每期心动侦探团来反观和解读6位素人之间的情感交流和心动信号,并进行心动连线。 Reality dating show “Heart Signal” returns with a seventh season this year. The series sees 6 single men and women live together for a period to find a possible love match with someone under the same roof. Celebrity artistes form the panel of love detectives who will observe from the sides. At the end of each episode, the panel makes a prediction on which couple will likely make a match wi...

Sun, 6:00 AM 23 Feb



Sun, 8:00 AM 23 Feb

The Tale of Rose

出生于书香世家的黄亦玫一路在呵护中长大,从小便展露出艺术天赋。初入职场的黄亦玫很快受到重用,与合作伙伴庄国栋相识相爱,但最终错过彼此,这段职场磨炼也令她对自己的人生有了更清晰的规划,决定重返校园求学深造。毕业后,她和学长方协文步入婚姻殿堂。可婚后两人发展方向相去甚远,最 终选择离婚。黄亦玫开始创业,在艺术品策展领域打拼出一片天地,在此期间还遇到了自己的灵魂伴侣溥家明,可溥家明只剩几个月的生命,两人这段爱情最终以生死离别画上句号。 但黄亦玫没有就此消沉,她还是一如既往地为活出更精彩的自己而努力着。

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