Zee Yuva | Marathi Program Shows (Page: 1)
Find what are unique Marathi Program programs scheduled to show in Zee Yuva channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel Zee Yuva.
Fri, 6:30 PM 21 Feb
Ek Dav Dhobi Pacchad
Dada Dandke , a crook whose business involves controlling and opening new beer bars and casinos. The so-called Gunda of the village, he is fondly called as Dada by his associates. Dada is notoriously known for capturing polling booths and doing Vasooli from people. However, a transformation comes about in his life when he meets his long lost love, Hema . Dada puts a marriage proposal which Hema rejects saying that he is not the same person she had met years back. She comments on his language, cl
Fri, 9:00 PM 21 Feb
Fri, 10:30 PM 21 Feb
Dil Dosti Duniyadari
Fate brings together six people to Mumbai where they share a flat and become fast friends. They share in each others' joys and sorrows, and become each others' family away from home.
Fri, 11:30 PM 21 Feb
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