Nick Jr | Children Shows (Page: 1)
Find what are unique Children programs scheduled to show in Nick Jr channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel Nick Jr.
Sat, 11:00 AM 22 Feb
PAW Patrol (2015)
The PAW Patrol pups are back with daring new rescues and a new puppy crew member in PAW Patrol: Meet Everest! Fan-favorite Everest and high-flying rescue pup Skye embark on daring missions through the snow and ice to rescue their friends, protect stranded animals and guard their community!
Sat, 12:00 PM 22 Feb
Sat, 12:30 PM 22 Feb
Masha's Spooky Stories (2014)
Masha explains why there's no need to be scared of things like monsters, the dark, going to a new school, thunder and other common childhood fears.
Sat, 3:00 PM 22 Feb
Munki And Trunk (2016)
Best friends Munki and Trunk explore jungles together to meet new friends and help solve their problems. However, they always run into their fair share of adventures but face them together.
Sat, 7:00 PM 22 Feb
Peppa Pig (2016)
It's time for a special family holiday! Join Peppa Pig, her little brother George, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig on their fun-filled trip abroad. Peppa is enjoying all the sights and sounds of Italy, but she also can't wait to go home and see her friends! Kids and parents alike will love the four-part sunny special with 8 additional super fun-filled peppasodes!
Sat, 11:00 PM 22 Feb
Masha's Tales
Masha, a young girl, retells famous fairy tales creatively as per her imagination and gives twists to the plot and characters.
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