NAZARA | Hindi Entertainment Shows (Page: 1)

Find what are unique Hindi Entertainment programs scheduled to show in NAZARA channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel NAZARA.

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Sat, 10:00 AM 22 Feb

Har Har Bhakti

A religious leader delivers a discourse on the teachings from the holy scriptures.

Sat, 11:00 AM 22 Feb

Dahej Daasi

A girl with a dream of having a family finds herself in a situation of 'dahej daasi'.

Sat, 12:00 PM 22 Feb

Teen Bahuraaniyaan

Teen Bahuraniyan (English: Three Daughters-In-Law) is a 1968 family comedy movie. The film is a remake of 1967 Tamil movie Bama Vijayam (Bama's Visit). The film's three lead ladies reprise their roles from the original movie. Teen Bahuraniyan is family story of 3 daughter in laws and their husbands. The movie shows how their relations takes different colour at various situations and how the father Prithviraj Kapoor plays vital role in the family to keep things going.

Sat, 2:00 PM 22 Feb

Piya Ka Ghar (1972)

A woman from a rural family enters into an arranged marriage with a man from the city. While she is instantly taken with her husband, she is shocked to discover that the holy man who arranged the wedding had neglected to mention the crammed living conditions of her new family and soon the lack of privacy disrupts the marriage bliss of the newly-wed couple.

Sat, 4:00 PM 22 Feb

Bhagonwali Baante Apni Taqdeer

Runjhun, an orphan, is forced to live with relatives who make her life miserable.

Sat, 6:00 PM 22 Feb

Afsar Bitiya

The story traces the journey of Krishna, whose life centers around getting a good education to improve her family's life. The show also focuses on the importance of female education.

Sat, 7:00 PM 22 Feb

Sat, 8:00 PM 22 Feb


Amba, who belongs to a Punjabi family, gives birth to a girl child. However, circumstances force her to hide the gender of her baby and raise her like a boy.

Sat, 9:30 PM 22 Feb

Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein

Shibu is shocked to see Anamika singing the same lullaby which Simran use to sing. Karthik tells Lovely that there is something fishy about Anamika as she reminded Shibu of his wife.

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