B4U Bhojpuri | Bhojpuri Film Shows (Page: 1)
Find what are unique Bhojpuri Film programs scheduled to show in B4U Bhojpuri channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel B4U Bhojpuri.
Fri, 8:16 PM 21 Feb
Fri, 11:52 PM 21 Feb
Kachche Dhaage (1999)
Dhananjay and Aaftab are half brothers who have never met. When they first do they instantly loathe each other, having nothing in common. One night, Aaftab blows up a loaded truck while trying to steal from it and attracts a mass of unwanted enforcers. Soon, Aaftab is forced to send Dhananjay into a trap but ends up with them both being handcuffed and escaping from the Border Security Force, the Central Bureau of Investigation, and the border mafia who are attempting to incriminate the brothers
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