Teddy Page Poster

Teddy Chiu (also known as Teddy Page) is a Filipino Z-actioner director and assistant director active in the 80's and 90's. His films were often produced by Silver Star Film Company, a prolific producer of cheap actioners.He worked with various Z-grade stars such as Richard Harrison, Bruce Baron, Jim Gaines, Mike Monty, Romano Kristoff or Ronnie Patterson.
Gender: Male
Last Info Sync: 3/8/2025 3:40:00 AM

Teddy Page's Schedule on Tv

Find schedule of movies directed by Teddy Page on tv. Select any movie link to find details about the movie.
Movies are sorted in increasing order of start time i.e. next movie is shown first.
Last Updated: Wed 12:13 PM, 12 Mar 2025

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