Amal Neerad Poster

Amal Neerad's Filmography on Tv

Find list of movies directed by Amal Neerad on tv. Select any movie link to find details about the movie. Movies are sorted in decreasing order of release date i.e. movie with latest release date is shown first.

Sagar Alias Jackie: Reloaded (2009)

An underworld don who operates internationally, Sagar Alias Jacky had to deal with the likes of Naina (Suman) and Goa based Rozario brothers who want to do away with Sagar. But each time Sagar with his fearlessness and brilliance in plotting, outplays them. The film starts off very interestingly when Indhu(Shobhana), the daughter of the state chief minister (Nedumudi Venu) calls Sagar to save her husband Manu (Manoj K Jayan) from the clutches of Rozario brothers.