Merlin Rose Poster

Merlin Rose's Filmography on TV

List of programs starring Merlin Rose on tv. Programs are sorted in order of last seen on tv. Last updated: Dec 3, 2024 10:00 AM

Frantz (2016)

In the aftermath of WWI, a young German who grieves the death of her fiancé in France meets a mysterious French man who visits the fiance’s grave to lay flowers.

Life In The Great Wetlands (2013)

Helen is a nonconformist teenage girl who maintains a conflictual relationship with her parents. Hanging out most of her time with her friend Corinna, with whom she breaks one social taboo after another, she uses sex as a way to rebel and break the conventional bourgeois ethic. After an intimate shaving accident, Helen ends up in the hospital where it doesn’t take long before she makes waves. But there she finds Robin, a male nurse who will sweep her off her feet...

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