Zee Cinema (India): TV Schedule for Today
Last updated: Apr 1, 2025 4:21 AM (Indian Standard Time)
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Here's the complete TV schedule for Zee Cinema (India) 1 April 2025. Catch your favorite
Hindi Movie
shows in
language. Stay updated with all the timings below.
All times are in Indian Standard Time (GMT+5.5).
All times are in Indian Standard Time (GMT+5.5).
6:30 AM
Angry Ganesha
Before getting married to his lady-love, a man visits a temple where he inadvertently insults Lord Ganesha whose mount takes offence and sends a mouse to wreck his life.
8:58 AM
11:40 AM
3:13 PM
5:40 PM
8:30 PM
About Zee Cinema
Zee Cinema is a Hindi satellite movie channel in India based in Mumbai. The channel is owned by the popular Zee Entertainment Enterprises which is a part of Essel Group, and broadcasts in many countries around the world.