Surya TV (India): TV Schedule for Today
Last updated: Apr 1, 2025 3:20 AM (Indian Standard Time)
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Here's the complete TV schedule for Surya TV (India) 1 April 2025. Catch your favorite
Malayalam Entertainment
shows in
language. Stay updated with all the timings below.
All times are in Indian Standard Time (GMT+5.5).
All times are in Indian Standard Time (GMT+5.5).
Start Time | Program Name |
5:30 AM | Constable Manju |
6:00 AM | Laughing Villa |
7:00 AM | Mangalyam Thanthunanena |
7:30 AM | Athira |
8:00 AM | Ramayanam |
8:30 AM | Varnyathil Aashanka |
11:30 AM | Mangalyam Thanthunanena |
12:00 PM | Premapooja |
12:30 PM | Bhavana |
1:00 PM | Hridayam |
1:30 PM | Constable Manju |
2:00 PM | Kanyadanam |
2:30 PM | Swayamvara Panthal |
3:00 PM | Role Models |
6:00 PM | Ramayanam |
6:30 PM | Bhavana |
7:00 PM | Kanyadanam |
7:30 PM | Athira |
8:00 PM | Swayamvara Panthal |
8:30 PM | Constable Manju |
9:00 PM | Mangalyam Thanthunanena |
9:30 PM | Premapooja |
10:00 PM | Hridayam |
10:30 PM | Indumukhi Chandramathi |
11:00 PM | Nandhini |
11:30 PM | Athira |
About Surya TV
Surya TV is an Malayalam-language Indian general entertainment pay television channel headquartered in Trivandrum, Kerala that was launched on 19 October 1998. It is the second privately owned television channel in Malayalam language, after Asianet