SKY DOCUMENTARIES (Italy): TV Schedule for Today

Last updated: Mar 31, 2025 2:47 PM (CET)

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Here's the complete TV schedule for SKY DOCUMENTARIES (Italy) 31 March 2025. Catch your favorite English Entertainment shows in English language. Stay updated with all the timings below.

All times are in CET (GMT+1).
Start Time Program Name
1:50 AM Gangs of Milano - Le nuove storie del Blocco - Speciale
2:05 AM Tony Hawk: Until the Wheels Come Off
4:15 AM Fantastic Mr Fellini: intervista con Wes Anderson
5:00 AM The Editor Is In S1 (Episode #1)
5:10 AM Nilde Iotti - Il tempo delle donne
6:35 AM Max Mosley - Il boss delle corse
8:20 AM The Ghost of Richard Harris
10:10 AM Ago
11:45 AM Il Testimone S6 (Episode #1)
12:30 PM Food Markets. Profumi e sapori a km zero S3 (Episode #1)
1:30 PM Ignoto 1 - Yara, DNA di un'indagine S1 (Episode #1)
2:25 PM Ignoto 1 - Yara, DNA di un'indagine S1 (Episode #2)
3:20 PM Ignoto 1 - Yara, DNA di un'indagine S1 (Episode #3)
4:15 PM Ignoto 1 - Yara, DNA di un'indagine S1 (Episode #4)
5:10 PM Gangs of Milano - Le nuove storie del Blocco - Speciale
5:30 PM Il Testimone S6 (Episode #2)
6:25 PM Food Markets. Profumi e sapori a km zero S3 (Episode #1)
7:25 PM 33 giri Italian masters S1 (Episode #7)
8:15 PM 33 giri Italian masters S5 (Episode #1)
9:10 PM 33 giri Italian masters S1 (Episode #7)
9:55 PM 33 giri Italian masters S5 (Episode #1)
10:55 PM Franco Battiato - Le nostre anime S1 (Episode #1)
11:50 PM Franco Battiato - Le nostre anime S1 (Episode #2)
12:30 AM Red Elvis – Il cowboy della Guerra Fredda


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Sky Documentaries broadcasts imported programming from US networks HBO and Showtime, alongside new original programming

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