Channel 8 | Chinese Entertainment Shows (Page: 6)

Find what are unique Chinese Entertainment programs scheduled to show in Channel 8 channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel Channel 8.

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Wed, 9:30 AM 12 Feb

江湖菜馆 S3

(PG) 节目带领观众打卡8座性格之城、探访8处江湖美食地,扎根城市街头,在繁华的市井小巷,寻找“江湖厨神”的诞生,探寻每座城市最受欢迎的江湖菜馆,品味普通人最真挚的生活热情。

Wed, 2:00 PM 12 Feb


(重) 谁来揭晓冰箱的秘密?这是一场充满趣味、创意的烹饪比赛节目,三位主持人以紧张刺激的"见手不见人"盲选厨艺方式挑选合作拍档,每一组要在极短的时间内,用冰箱里有限的材料,完成一道适合主题的美味料理!而哪道料理又能获得大厨与营养师的青睐,成为当周料理王呢?

Thu, 4:00 AM 13 Feb

春到河畔2025 - 新加坡派


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