Channel 8 | Chinese Entertainment Shows (Page: 3)

Find what are unique Chinese Entertainment programs scheduled to show in Channel 8 channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel Channel 8.

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Sun, 10:45 AM 2 Feb

小当家 (2010)

During a summer stay on the mainland, Tinker Bell is accidentally discovered while investigating a little girl's fairy house. As the other fairies, led by the brash Vidia, launch a daring rescue in the middle of a fierce storm, Tink develops a special bond with the lonely, little girl.

Sun, 11:45 AM 2 Feb



Sun, 12:10 PM 2 Feb

Sun, 2:00 PM 2 Feb


(重) 本地有不少具潜质的星二代,首集主角就是明星家族郑各评和洪慧芳的千金郑颖。主持人李腾和赖怡伶将带领大家走入她们母女俩的生活,了解他们一家人的亲子关系、同桌吃饭的幸福、以及美食如何增强家人的凝聚力。节目也邀请2位名厨展厨艺,他们会各自模仿慧芳煮一道家常菜,来考验郑颖是否能吃出妈妈的味道?

Sun, 5:00 PM 2 Feb



Sun, 7:00 PM 2 Feb

星期二特写 :我们的金牌梦


Sun, 8:00 PM 2 Feb

骊歌行 (2021)

While his father was one of founding marshals of the Tang Empire, Cheng Chu Mo was a shiftless young man. His life took a radical turn when he fell in love at first sight with Fu Rou, the diligent daughter from a merchant family. In order to woo Fu Rou's heart, Chu Mo began to study earnestly. As he grow in knowledge and maturity, he decided to follow in father's footstep to serve the country and planned a campaign against pirates harassing the coast of China. Meanwhile, through a misadventure,

Sun, 10:00 PM 2 Feb


养生出大招第一集解开护肺迷思,让你养生不中招! Meeki美锜化身养生小掌柜,连串出招,请医师见招拆招,到底时下盛行的大蒜水和清肺排毒汤到底真的能养护肺脏吗?人人都说要润肺和补肺,但到底要怎么辨别呢?医师凭着一碗六味糖水和鸡汤,轻松分享护肺养生道理! 解开食疗养生方,这就马上学习养生功,骨伤科医师传授网红八段锦,简单一招左右开弓似射雕就能养好肺气,提升肺功能。 除外,节目组也走入民间搜寻护肺小妙招,得知有一户中医家族全靠一碗鱼鳔汤强肺护肺,避免肺部瘢痕形成,帮助强化肺脏。 话不多说,马上邀请养生厨师介绍一

Sun, 11:30 PM 2 Feb

Mon, 12:30 AM 3 Feb


(重) 故事从30年代展开,横跨70年至现今。黄菊香生于海峡华人(峇峇娘惹)的大家庭,是出生卑微的小姨太之女。大时代的动荡,让菊香饱受折磨,她的丈夫死了,她也死了,留下年纪仅8岁的月娘。二战结束后,逃难到英国的外祖父携家眷回到马来亚,月娘就像当年的母亲一样,被歧视、毒打、折磨,她为了保护外婆,忍辱负重,承受一切的痛苦。月娘被卖给杀猪贩刘一刀当妻子。月娘不甘心自己的一生交由其他人摆弄,宁可结束自己的生命。她刚烈的个性,让刘一刀敬佩,与她结拜为兄妹。月娘决定寻找自己的一条出路,她开始学习做生意,过程中,她被劣

Mon, 6:30 AM 3 Feb

食尚玩家 S13

(PG) 在"食尚玩家-热血48小时"里,主持人風田,谢雨芝与代班主持人杨奇煜帶領觀眾热血48小时!主持人想品嚐美食就得上山下海,就必须在時間內走完製作單位排的行程.

Mon, 7:30 AM 3 Feb



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