ROCK Entertainment (HD) (Singapore): TV Schedule for Today
Last updated: Apr 1, 2025 6:51 AM (Singapore Standard Time)
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Here's the complete TV schedule for ROCK Entertainment (HD) (Singapore) 1 April 2025. Catch your favorite
English Entertainment
shows in
language. Stay updated with all the timings below.
All times are in Singapore Standard Time (GMT+8).
All times are in Singapore Standard Time (GMT+8).
Start Time | Program Name |
8:15 AM | NCIS S22 |
9:05 AM | NCIS S22 |
9:55 AM | NCIS S22 |
10:40 AM | NCIS S22 |
11:30 AM | RED 2 |
1:25 PM | The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon S12 |
2:10 PM | Late Night With Seth Meyers S12 |
2:55 PM | DOC - In Your Hands |
3:55 PM | DOC - In Your Hands |
4:55 PM | DOC - In Your Hands |
5:55 PM | Peter Rabbit |
7:30 PM | NCIS S22 |
8:15 PM | NCIS S22 |
9:00 PM | NCIS S22 |
9:45 PM | NCIS S22 |
10:30 PM | Brothers |
12:55 AM | DOC - In Your Hands |
1:55 AM | Peter Rabbit |
3:30 AM | NCIS S22 |
4:15 AM | NCIS S22 |
5:00 AM | NCIS S22 |
5:45 AM | NCIS S22 |
6:30 AM | Brothers |
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About ROCK Entertainment (HD)
The best mix of reality, drama, movies, and live award shows aired express from the US and UK!