ITALIA 2 | English Entertainment Shows (Page: 2)

Find what are unique English Entertainment programs scheduled to show in ITALIA 2 channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel ITALIA 2.

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Mon, 1:13 PM 24 Feb

Due uomini e 1/2 S3

S3 Ep1 La parabola - Convinto di riuscire a riparare l'antenna della TV da solo, Alan cade dal tetto e finisce all' ospedale. Charlie decide cosi' di prendersi cura del figlio adolescente di Alan.

Mon, 2:14 PM 24 Feb

Due uomini e 1/2 S4

S4 Ep19 Dacci un taglio - Alan e' contentissimo del fatto che sta per dare l' ultimo contributo per gli alimenti alla ex moglie Judith.

Tue, 10:14 PM 25 Feb

The Big Bang Theory S2

S2 Ep1 Il paradigma del pesce guasto - Dopo il fallimento del primo appuntamento con Leonard, Penny trova un confidente suo malgrado in Sheldon, coinquilino schivo di Leonard. Prox Ep. 21 nov 17:00 SER. Rep. 22 nov 0:55 SER

Wed, 9:15 PM 26 Feb

The Cell 2 - La soglia del terrore (2009)

The Cusp is a serial killer who kills his victims and then brings them back to life; over and over again; until they beg to die! Maya is a psychic investigator who gained her powers after a 1 year coma after she was the Cusp's first victim! Now the Cusp Killer is back and Maya has little time to do what she has never done before: go into the mind of a killer unprotected and save his latest victim.

Thu, 9:15 PM 27 Feb

Chiamata senza risposta (2008)

Several people start receiving voice-mails from their future selves -- messages which include the date, time, and some of the details of their deaths.

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