CINE34 | English Film Shows (Page: 3)
Find what are unique English Film programs scheduled to show in CINE34 channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel CINE34.
Mon, 3:27 AM 24 Feb
Quando gli uomini armarono la clava e... con le donne fecero din don (1971)
Prehistoric cave-stud Ari wins lovely virgin Listra in a pig-catching contest, but their attempts at "Ding-Dong" keep getting interrupted by idiot battles between his tribe, The Cave Dwellers, and their neighbors, The Lake Dwellers. Annoyed that hubby would rather make war than Ding-Dong, Listra organizes the women of both tribes to go on strike and "abstain Ding-Dong" until the men stop fighting. It all happens back in the days when men carried clubs and women played ding-dong, an Italian stone
Mon, 9:00 PM 24 Feb
Baciato dalla fortuna (2011)
Gaetano is a divorced traffic cop in a relationship with a beautiful and exuberant woman, for whom he happily provides standards of living well above his means. He plans to propose to her, but she is thinking to run away with his handsome superior. In the midst of debts, unpaid alimony and other serious financial issues, Gaetano unexpectedly wins the lottery, turning the fortune around.
Mon, 11:09 PM 24 Feb
Vi racconto S1
S1 Ep1 Vi racconto '24, 1 - Rubrica di approfondimento settimanale sul cinema italiano a cura di Enrico Vanzina.
Mon, 11:16 PM 24 Feb
Croce e delizia (2019)
Two families meet for a marriage that neither want, and things take a turn when the respective patriarchs fall in love.
Tue, 1:13 AM 25 Feb
Crema, cioccolato e pa... prika
Il prof. Bonifazi e' il direttore di una clinica di lusso. L'arrivo di una dietologa raccomandata dall'onorevole Mazzetta, creera' scompiglio. Con Franco e Ciccio. Regia di M. Tarantini; ITA 1981
Tue, 2:47 AM 25 Feb
La banca di Monate (1976)
Lago Maggiore, 1949: a failed bank manager, to revive his economic situation, tries to combine a marriage of interest for his daughter. Failing to do so, he then tries a robbery in his own bank.
Tue, 4:27 AM 25 Feb
Tue, 6:29 AM 25 Feb
Tue, 8:26 AM 25 Feb
Tue, 12:35 PM 25 Feb
Tue, 9:00 PM 25 Feb
Perfetti sconosciuti (2016)
During a dinner, a group of friends decide to share whatever message or phone call they will receive during the evening, with unforeseen consequences.
Tue, 11:10 PM 25 Feb
Abbronzatissimi (1991)
On the Adriatic Riviera the destinies of a variety of characters cross. A piano player is the lover of a rich woman who wants him to become a killer, a call girl is looking for her true love, two workers want to marry two old billionaires.
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