National Geographic HD | Infotainment Shows (Page: 1)

Find what are unique Infotainment programs scheduled to show in National Geographic HD channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel National Geographic HD.

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Sat, 2:30 AM 15 Mar

Pirates: Behind The Legends

Francis Drake: The world's most controversial pirate, Sir Francis Drake was renowned for his journeys as a slave trader and his vicious attacks on Spanish colonial towns. 7+. (S1, ep 1)

Sat, 3:14 AM 15 Mar


Realm of the Humpbacks: The team reveals the greatest secrets in the lives of the North Atlantic humpback whales.

Sat, 3:49 AM 15 Mar

Out There With Jack Randall (2019)

Zoologist Jack Randall journeys into Australia's Outback to encounter extraordinary wildlife.

Sat, 4:33 AM 15 Mar

Around The World With Manu Feildel

Follow Manu Feildel's 30-day culinary voyage inspired by Jules Vern's famous novel.

Sat, 5:18 AM 15 Mar

Last Of The Giants: Wild Fish

Jungle Goliath: The team is on a dangerous mission to protect the pirarucu and the gargantuan Piraiba.

Sat, 6:00 AM 15 Mar

The Great Human Race

Learn how humans evolved over time to become the dominant species on earth and watch as the hosts try to survive in harsh conditions like the first Homo sapiens.

Sat, 7:30 AM 15 Mar

Bering Sea Gold (2012)

In the frontier town of Nome, Alaska, there’s a gold rush on. But you've never seen gold mining like this before — here, the precious metal isn't found in the ground. It’s sitting in the most unlikely of places: the bottom of the frigid, unpredictable Bering Sea. And there are a handful of people willing to risk it all to bring it to the surface.

Sat, 8:00 AM 15 Mar

Snakes In The City

Take a look as the hosts try to catch some of the most poisonous snakes found in the coastal city of Durban, which is known for its sandy beaches and warm weather.

Sat, 8:30 AM 15 Mar

Primal Survivor (2016)

Hazen Audel embarks on an epic trek that will mirror a traditional Berber nomad journey across the Saharan desert cauldron to an oasis.

Sat, 11:00 AM 15 Mar

India's Mega Kitchen

Hola Mohalla: Watch Anandpur Sahib turn into a bustling, enticing Mega Kitchen that prepares food for devotees during the Sikh festival of Hola Mohalla festival.

Sat, 11:30 AM 15 Mar

David Rocco's Dolce India

David finds vineyard outside Mumbai that produces fine wine.The discovery inspires an Italian-Indian culinary adventure.

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