Jay Jagannath | Odia Program Shows (Page: 2)
Find what are unique Odia Program programs scheduled to show in Jay Jagannath channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel Jay Jagannath.
Sun, 4:00 PM 23 Feb
Pataka Lagi Darshan Live
Religious leaders perform various sacred rituals as devotees gather to offer prayers and pay their penance to Lord Jagannath in his temple in Odisha, live.
Sun, 5:00 PM 23 Feb
Bhagabata Patha Live
Religious leaders deliver a discourse on various chapters of Hindu mythology and encourage devotees to follow the path of righteousness, live.
Sun, 5:30 PM 23 Feb
Sandhya Darshan Live
Religious leaders and devotees gather at a sacred shrine to get a glimpse of the divine deities and seek blessings, live.
Sun, 6:00 PM 23 Feb
Sandhya Alati Live
Hindu priests perform sacred rituals, do religious gestures to the idol of Lord Jagannath and devotees pray to the god in the evening hours, live.
Sun, 8:00 PM 23 Feb
Mahodadhi Aalati Live
Devotees participate in special rituals that include the lighting of lamps in honour of deities who are decked in flowers in Puri beach, live.
Sun, 11:30 PM 23 Feb
Pahuda Niti Live
Priests conduct sacred rituals and chant prayers to honor Lord Jagannath, seeking blessings at the revered temple, where devotees gather to worship at the holy shrine,live.
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