GAMBERO ROSSO (Italy) Full Schedule Today
Last updated: Feb 8, 2025 1:43 AM (CET)
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GAMBERO ROSSO (Italy) schedule 8 February 2025.
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Start Time | Program Name |
12:55 AM | Mangio tutto tranne: Singapore S3 (Episode #6) |
1:25 AM | Fuoco Puglia - Stag. 3 Ep. 1 - Gargano da scoprire |
1:50 AM | Le ricette dei food-metti - Stag. 1 Ep. 4 - Nonna Papera |
2:00 AM | Giorgione: orto e cucina - Acqualagna S23 (Episode #2) |
2:30 AM | Vito con i suoi S8 (Episode #3) |
Gambero Rosso is an Italian food and wine magazine and publishing group founded in 1986.[1] Its name literally translates as "red prawn" and comes from a tavern in Pinocchio where the Fox and the Cat dine.
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