Nick HD+ (India) Live Schedule

Last updated: Feb 21, 2025 4:30 PM (Indian Standard Time)

Nick HD+ (India) channel Live Schedule

Find what's now showing on Nick HD+ channel and what are Children programs scheduled to go live next.

The best shows from the best kids' network, all at one high quality, happening destination in India - Welcome to Nick HD Plus!

Language: English
Content Type: Children

Now Showing

Dora And Friends: Into The City! (2014)

Dora goes to school and lives in Playa Verde, which is a city. Together with the explorer girls Emma, Kate, Naiya, and Alana and her only male companion, Pablo, Dora and her friends work together and go on amazing adventures while discovering the secrets of their city. Dora has a magical charm bracelet and a smart phone, complete with an app version of the previous Map to aid her. Her friend Kate is fond of drama, while Emma loves music. Alana is tomboyish but loves animals, Naiya is smart and l

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