Paula van der Oest Poster

Paula van der Oest (born 1965) is a Dutch film director and screenwriter. Her 2001 film Zus & Zo was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. With her final exam at the Dutch Film and Television Academy, Zinderend, she won a Cannon Award in 1988. In the following years, she worked as an assistant director, until she returned in 1994 as a director. For the VPRO-series Lolamoviola she made the short movies Coma and Achilles En Het Zebrapad (Achilles and the Zebracrossing).
Gender: Female
Last Info Sync: 5/8/2021 6:05:00 AM

Paula van der Oest's Schedule on Tv

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Last Updated: Thu 7:57 AM, 13 Mar 2025

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